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Types of fractions

Fraction types

At NUZIC we classify fractions depending on whether or not they contain the number 1, both in the numerator and in the denominator.

  1. Simple fractions
  2. Complex fractions
  3. Effects on velocity



The simple fractions contain the number 1 and are therefore easier to use.






The complex fractions do not contain the number 1 and are therefore more difficult to use.






Both simple fractions and complex fractions can produce an acceleration effect of the original velocity, by grouping the pulsations together, or byslowing down of the original velocity, dividing the pulsations. Everything depends on the result of the division between the two numbers of the fraction:


The only fraction that is neutral, since it does not modify the speed, is 1/1 and its multiples (2/2, 5/5…).



The slowdown occurs when the result of the fraction is a number greater than 1. This occurs when the numerator is greater than the denominator. In this case,The new pulsation will be greater than the original 1/1 pulsation.


The acceleration occurs when the result of the fraction is a number less than 1. This occurs when the numerator is less than the denominator. In this case, the new pulsation will be greater than the original 1/1 pulsation.




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