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What are pulsations?

The elements of the temporal dimension are built on a base of constant pulsations, marked by the metronome. The pulsations allow us to define the speed of a composition, which we express as pulsations per minute(PPM).

Pulsations are the unit of measurement of the temporal dimension. One pulsation covers one temporal interval (iT) 1, which is equivalent to the distance between two pulses (P) in a row.





When we apply fractionation, we generate fractional beatswhose measure is greater or smaller than that of the reference beats marked by the metronome.

  1. The constant heartbeat
  2. Pulsations vs. pulses


The pulsations are the constant beat that underlies every musical idea. They set the tempo and drive the sounds and rhythms, allowing them to evolve over time and bring the music to life.

Our heart also has pulsations, which are present throughout our lives. Depending on our mood or activity, our pulse rate may speed up or slow down; the same happens with the pulsations of the music.



Pulsations and pulses are two sides of the same coin: pulsations cannot exist without pulses, and vice versa. The pulsations emphasize the space in between while the pulses emphasize the points themselves. On the other hand, the concept of pulsation is more linked to the structure of the idea, used mainly to define velocity, while the concept of pulse is more linked to the content of the idea, used to create rhythms.


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