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What is monorhythmia?

Monorhythmia is the minimum musical expression of the temporal dimension. As its name indicates, it consists of a single rhythmic voice, which is composed of basic temporal elements.



For example, if we listen to the following rhythm we can see that it contains only one voice: it is monorhythmic music.


Monorhythmia is expressed only in the temporal dimension and in a single voice, through successions of basic temporal elements.


These basic temporal elements can be pulses (P), which define positions on the time line,

o temporal intervals (iT), which define distances between these positions.


Unlike polyrhythm or polyphony, which integrate and play with the interaction between different voices, monorhythmic thinking focuses on the temporal successions that make up a single voice.

The equivalent of monorhythmia in the sound dimension is monophony, and both are integrated to form amonorhythmic monophony.



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