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The parameters that define ES

The parameters of the sound scales (ES) help to specify their different characteristics, defining the personality or color of each sound scale.

  • Scalar Register (rE) → different sound segments within the total collection of Notes (rE1, 2, 3…). The amplitude or range of the Scalar register (rgE), will always be iS=12 (using TET=12, or in case of another TET, it will always coincide with this one).

NOTE: if the first Note of the ES is equal to N (0), the chromatic collection (r) and scale (rE) registers will coincide. However, if the ES starts at any other Note, for example at Nº (0) = N (2), the scalar registers (rE) will be offset with respect to the chromatic collection registers (r). This concretization of the scale degree Nº (0) is what we call transposition.

  • tempered tuning (TET) → number of notes into which the register is divided
  • number of degrees (ca Nº) → number of degrees of the scale (5 pentatonic, 6, 7…), which is equivalent to the scalar modulus
  • Scalar structure (eE) → succession of iS between the degrees placed in successive ascending order, linked to the name of the scale.
  • Transposition (trans) → concretization of scale degree Nº (0), assigning it a Note.
  • eE rotation (rot) → eE rotation producing the various «scale modes». The number of possible rotations is equal to the module of the scale.

Here are some examples:



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