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The sound interval (iS)

The sound interval (iS) is the basic distance element of the sound dimension. It represents the difference in pitch between two consecutive notes, that is, their distance on the sound line:



The iS expresses a movement that can be upward or downward. The (+) sign determines an upward direction and the (-) sign a downward direction.


  1. The calculation of the iS
  2. The concretion of the iS
  3. Complementarity and mirror iS
  4. Gravitation



To calculate the iS between two notes we subtract the first note to the second. Depending on the note values, the result will be positive (ascending) or negative (descending) iS.




The iS can be expressed in absolute and modular numbering:



If an iS is expressed in modular numbering (iSm) but its register does not appear, such as iS (1), we still do not know its exact distance, since all registers are possible. Thus the distance of iS (1) could be specified as iS (1r0), iS (1r1), iS (1r2), etc:


Remember that an iS expressed in absolute numbering (iSa) is already an exact distance that does not need to be specified.


Moreover, since the iS is a distance element, it can be applied to any note and in any direction (ascending and descending). This allows us to use the same iS at different points of the sound line in both directions, producing different melodic effects. As we have seen above, the direction of the iS is specified by its sign.

Let’s see an example of iSa (2), applied in different notes, and in both directions:





Two iS are complementary if they add up to 12, which is the module of the chromatic note collection:


*theiS (6) has no complementary.


The iS mirror (iSe)

In the mirror iS (iSe), the module is reduced to 6: there will only be mirror iS from 1 to 6. To express as mirror iS the rest of iS (7, 8, 9, 9, 10, and 11), we use the complementarity feature:






Under construction.


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