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Monophony is the minimum musical expression of the sound dimension: it consists of a single sound voice, and its ingredients are the sound basic elements.



For example, if we listen to the following music:
melodía gregoriana

we can determine that it is a melody with only one voice: it is monophonic music.

Monophony can be expressed with basic elements of position and basic elements of distance:


position elements: Notes (N)
distance elements: sound intervals (iS)
position and distance elements together


The two types of elements express the same thing in different ways; we can choose which one to use depending on our focus of interest. Each type of sound element brings a different musical perspective that shows us some musical nuances or others, and can be expressed in absolute or modular numbering.

If a scale has been defined, the monophonic voice can also be expressed as a succesion of scalar elements.

The sound elements draw a contour that defines the monophonic expression. When combined with the monorhythm we create the melodic design.

Thus, monophony and monorhythmia are two sides of the same coin. They are an abstraction that can help us in melodic design.


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